Aiming to keep costs in check, Medicare is proposing to test different ways to pay for drugs — one of which is similar to CalPERs’ price-control e...
Covered California Says It’s Moving Fast To Fix Involuntary Switches Into Medi-Cal
Under fire from federal lawmakers and consumer advocates, Covered California is speeding up its response to a systemic problem that is causing the tra...
California’s Medical Board Declares Neutrality On Proposed Doctor Disclosure Law
The 15-member board that monitors physicians in California Friday declared its neutrality on pending state legislation that would require doctors to n...
Medi-Cal’s Doctor Sign-Up System Finally Going Online
Medi-Cal’s enrollment system for doctors and other health care providers, long criticized in the medical community for being complicated and slow, i...
Will Covered California Sell Health Coverage To The Undocumented?
California legislators are attempting to clear the way for undocumented immigrants to buy health insurance through the state’s insurance exchange �...
Gonorrhea Rate Has Shot Up In California
Rates of gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease, are rising sharply in California, especially among gay and bisexual men, according to new state he...
More Customers Dumped From Covered California Without Notice
Lynn Kersey has some advice for pregnant women who bought health insurance policies from Covered California and want to keep them: Don’t report your...
Covered California Imposes New Quality, Cost Conditions On Plans
Moving into a realm usually reserved for health care regulators, Covered California Thursday unveiled sweeping reforms to its contracts with insurers,...
Experts Say Health Care Companies Are Tantalizing Targets For Cyberattackers
A recent cyberattack against hospital chain MedStar was just the latest in a series of strikes against health care companies, which included another h...
Battle Heating Up Over ‘Surprise’ Medical Bills
Have you ever gone in for a medical procedure you knew was covered by your health plan, only to be hit weeks later by a large, unexpected bill from a ...