DHLF Representatives Traveled to Washington DC–November 2015

In early November, a contingent of DHLF members traveled to Washington D.C. to advocate on behalf of the Forum specifically on the Medicaid waiver (in addition to expressing appreciation for the Delegation’s assistance in advocating for the completion of the waiver by October 31) and the onerous Medicaid managed care proposed rule.
Member representatives were (pictured):
Lindsay Mann, Kaweah Delta
Jim Raggio, Lompoc
John McCormick, Oak Valley
Paul Brydon, Antelope Valley
Allen Germany, Tulare
Benny Benzeevi, M.D., Tulare
Elly Garner, Palomar Health
We met with more than 20 staff and/or members of the California Congressional Delegation plus staff to both of the California US Senators.  It was a busy, but very productive two days and our messages were well received.
The materials used in the trip can be accessed via the below links.  These documents can be used if you have members of the Delegation tour your hospital in upcoming weeks (which we encourage you to do and staff will happily assist/attend as you deem appropriate):

To the group that made the trip, a huge thank you!  We can’t emphasize enough how important it is that your elected representatives (local, state and federal) hear directly from their constituents about the issues of importance.
If you have any questions about the trip or the issues, please contact Sherreta Lane at